Sunday, December 9, 2012

Almost the end.....

    So, i'm looking around my dorm room. Most of my stuff is packed into the trunk of my car. But, there is still a lot I still have to pack. Mostly little things. As I write this I look at my desk, and see the things that mean a lot to me for a specific reason. My picture of all the girls  during summer semester  at Ellerslie, A group photo of our Sister Section, my piglet given to me a few years ago from my best friend Beccie, the star fish from my love, a photo of my Grandpa Vansickle and I when I was 5 years old, the teddy bear pillow given to me from my beautiful other hip Amanda, and a family picture. 

  As I look at these, and get ready to end my semester at Frontier I realize I am once again ending a chapter of my life, and starting a new one. If there is one thing in life I have learned it's to not make any plans. God always seems to change mine. I wasn't sure how long God called me to come to Frontier when I applied last summer. But, I knew I was supposed to come here in the fall. Last year was the hardest I've had. Bad thing after bad thing seemed to happen, and I needed out. The " Small town" of Saint Johns was the last place I wanted to be. I needed to get away, and re evaluate my life. Get to a place where I could breath again. I needed to be as far away from the town I grew up in. Away from the people, and the drama. I needed an escape. As far as I was concerned La Grange Wyoming was just that. Everyone seemed to come to bible college to learn more about the bible, and God. In all honesty I came to get away from life at home. 

 Though I did want to get a good background on biblical teaching for counseling that wasn't my main reason for going to college. I just needed to get away. Though it was only a semester God used it in an amazing way. I was able to work with Youth Group, and Awana's, I was given such amazing roommates that I could totally be myself with, I made great friends, and went to a great church. I was given the chance to really experience college. Though I went to Cornerstone I didn't get that experience since I didn't have a roommate. 

  There are so many things I learned here about life. Especially my own. I learned to be real. Not pretend. My roommate told me the other night that the minute she meet me she seen how real I was, and seen how confident I was with myself. I knew who I was, and I wasn't going to change that.  My roommates, and friends became a safe haven for me. It was the first time I let myself be completely real with anyone, and not have to sit into some cookie cutter Christianity where everything is nice and neat. Yes, I was blessed to grow up in a christian home. But, my life was anything but a cookie cutter Christianity that was nice and neat. It's been anything but that. I've had a great life. But, a lot of trials, mistakes, my life sometimes felt like a crazy ride, But, I always keep it to myself. But, through listening to Joe at Youth Group I seen how being real is what people need, and want.

  I  also seen how important friendship is. Real friendships that is. I seen how some frienships can do nothing but tear you down. When I was talking to my roommate about this one night about a friendship I have been praying about because it wasn't doing anything but tearing me down, and just wasn't good. She opened the bible to a verse in Romans. I seen how amazing it is to be able to walk into my room, and tell my roommate I needed to pray or just to talk. It's amazing to have friends I can be real with. I am going to miss then dearly. But, as Molly told me the other day on our " Roommate date" that this was just the beginning not the end. I'm excited to see where God is going to take these new found friendships- that feel like I have had for years. As well as each of our lives.

 Working with the Youth Group this semester has been amazing. It' just given me the passion, and fire to work with youth even more! I love all the teens at the Youth Group! I am so excited to see where God will lead their lives! I am so thankful I will be able to keep in contact with them, and continue to enjoy every time I talk to them even more. 

I love everything that happened this semester, and all I learned in and outside of the classroom. I have so many amazing memories here. But, I am also so excited to see my family, and start the next chapter of my life. I know God is going to do amazing things as always :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

almost the end......

Crazy to think the last time I wrote about my time here at Frontier I was just in my third week. Now, I am into my last full week. The time here has gone by so fast! Yet, it's been amazing!!! Last weekend I drove down to Windsor Colorado to the Ellerslie Campus. Also known as my " Heart Home." I still have never found a place that feels like home as Ellerlie does! Once on the the campus I walked down to my favorite spot on campus. A bench out looking the lake. You can see the mountains in the back ground, and in the middle is a cross. I always loved looking out at all the beauty, and thinking.

That day I was there for Eric, and Leslie's adoption " baby shower". This day came to my mind a few moments ago as I was looking through some books of mine. I stumbled upon my first copy of When God Writes Your Love Story as well as my 10th anniversary copy that is Autographed by both Eric, and Leslie. I smile as I think how just a few years ago I started reading their books. Never did I think i'd meet them when I first read their books. But, God didn't only give me the privilege of meeting them but to be a part of their lives in a small way. I loved going to the set a part girl conferences then when God told me to quit my job to attend Ellerslie last summer  people thought I was crazy! But, God did amazing things that summer. I was even re-baptized because when I was first baptized I didn't fully understand the meaning of it at the time. It was just the thing you did. There I learned to pray- really pray. I heard truth like I had never heard it before.

After the shower, and visiting with some friends who still live on campus, and some of the staff I went to find the Ludy's to say goodbye. I smiled as Eric looked at me and said " Hey, look who it is." as he gave me a hug. As I spoke to the Ludy's about what was going on in my life before I left I wrote home with a content smile on my face.

My life has been so crazy lately. Once again God is calling me to go back home instead of continue with going to Frontier. People think I am crazy. But, I feel content, and satisfied. God allowed me to experience college. Really experience it. Having roommates, section devo's with amazing woman, prayer group once a week. It's bitter sweet. I am going to miss hanging out with my roommates, having road trips to walmart (when it's an hour away, and it takes part of the day. Yes, going to wal mart is a road trip!) , helping with youth group, helping with Awanas, being able to drive down to Colorado, and see my Ellerslie family. But, I know that God is leading me home. There is so much I want to do there! Every day God has given me the burden and desire to work with the teens at our local public school. I don't know what God is going to do next. I learned not to make plans. God always seems to have different ones, and is always seems to be shaking things up. Taking me down a path I didn't expect. But, I am excited for what's to come. Whatever that will be! The next few days will be studying for upcoming tests, finals, memorizing verses, spending time with my friends, and getting as much as I can out of these last few days!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

When God Writes Your Love Story...Originally written 01\23\2007

So, I found some old journal entries, and found this one. This is from the first time I ever picked up and read When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy....This was from January 23,2007.. But, I thought i'd share it anyway.... :)

Yesterday I started reading When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy. I can't put the book down. I am in aw at the things God has shown me. Some good, Some well, I don't want to say bad, I guess sad. I realized through reading the book, that I not only put God to the side, but I started taking control of well pretty much eveything in my life. God was just there. I soon realized I was becoming the per son I was all through highschool, someone I don't want to be. I had put up the wall again, and was keeping everyone at arms length. Including people I really care about. I wasn't letting them see me for me. I was pushing them away. I've felt blah latley since after christmas, I thought it was because I was still bumbed about not going to Cornerstone. Which in a way I still am. I miss it. But instead of seeing what god has for me at home, and why he wants me here. I was to busy thinking of all the things i'm missing by not being at Cornerstone. Which was making being at home even harder.
       But I decided not to keep that wall up anymore. I want to learn to trust people, which is something i've always had a hard time at. I want to let people in, and not hold them at arms length. I've also completely given full control of every part of my life to god, which isn't easy for me to do. But i'm doing it. I am trusting god completely, and not like I used to " Trust" him. In the past when I would trust god, it would be like this " ok god I trust you, but I think you should do this and this in this part of my life" Then soon god was pushed to the side, again. I don't want that anymore. I want to know god not only as my savoir, but the lover of my soul. My first love. Yup, that's what I want, and plan on doing.
     The book had a really awesome way looking at Purity too. Eric Ludy was talking to the guys in this part of the book, But I also got a lot out of it. He said whatever you are doing, imagine your future spouse is with you, and if it's not god's plan for you to marry, imagine god is standing next to you when you're doing something. Think of what god, and your future spouse would think and feel in they seen or or heard you say a certian thing. Think of how they would feel. It's a great way to remeber to " Does him good, not evil all the days of her life." Proverbs 31:12. Living for the person god has intended you to marrie ( If that's his will) all the days of your life, even  before you know them isn't easy. But I think what Eric Ludy suggests is a great way to live for you're spouse, and not only your spouse ( if god has choosen to have you be married) but to live for God.
    Now, what I learned about true love...girls, I know you can remember this....Sitting in front of the tv in your pj's watching as prince charming finally finds cinderella, puts the glass slipper on her foot. The prince had finally found his true love. After embarrassing cinderella, and kissing her the prince and cinderella wisk off to be married, and live happily ever, the movie every girls dream is based on. Finding the prince. As a little girl the "perfect" prince can be described like this the typical ken doll ( blond hair, blue eyes, musclar) + a white horse= the "Perfect Prince".  As a little girl gets older, and become a teen,then eventually an adult that's when you replace those ken dolls with ( I can hear the guys grumbling now) yes, chick flicks. Because all girs know that once you fall in love you're going to be on could 9 24/7, showered with love, chocolote, flowers, and affection 24/7, and you and your guy will never get sick of eachother. there will be nothing but holding hands, kisses, cuddling, looking at eachother and feeling no one else is there. It will be happily ever after, with the sappy love song in the back ground that makes all the girls cry, and think, i want that romance. To be sweeped off our feet, and never have a bad feeling ever, because hey, your in love!
    Yes, I know you don't have to tell me, I've read to many christian love storys, and seen one to many chick flicks ( even though a girl wonders, is there such a thing? ) aw, the feeling of being in love. It's nice, But yes, now comes the reality check.  My definition of true love- Choosing to love someone even when you don't feel like it. Putting the other person first, when you want to be selfish, and have things you're way. Forgiving completely like christ forgives, which means, when the person says their sorry, and you say that's ok you forgive them, you don't dwell on it or bring it up again in the future. Act like it never happened. Then being completely patient with the person no matter how hard it is. that's what true love is. you choose to love them, and all that really matters is making the other person happy, and lifting them up.
  Now, since were being relistic. the perfect guy isn't all that perfect. They mess up, and drive a girl insane! But at the end of the day, if you know that person is who God has made for you, no matter how insane or mad they make you only one fact remains. you love them, because you choose to. Even when you don't feel like loving them, or even talking to them, you love them. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend reading When God Writes Your Love Story! It's a great book!!! Well, Dishes are calling my name. So i'm off to get them done. Unless someone wants to do them for me ha-ha. hey, can't blame a girl for trying.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

When it all comes down to it...

    So, I keep thinking what was said in chapel today. With where the world is going we need to get ready to be persecuted for our faith because more then likely it will happen, and I wonder. Is that what we truly need? I mean how many " Christians" Will claim to be when they are being persecuted?! When it comes down to it will the world truly see a difference in you and know your a christian, or will you be a secret christian? I mean all I hear lately from all over is how Christians are supposed to show God's love. Which, yes is true. But, what about speaking truth? That is love.

  So many things are supposed to be ok, or just not spoken of these days. Today I found out that homosexual marriage is legal in Washington. This broke my heart, yet I wondered how many people are going to sit back, and honestly not care. Oh they don't "approve" or " support" this. There words say it. Yet, what about the life style?! I mean really, it's more then just showing God's love. I mean it's fine to live like the world as long as we are showing God's love, and not hating people. It doesn't matter what we watch, read, talk about, dabble in, or spend our time doing. Just as long as we are showing God's love.

 Now, I am human and I also struggle with these kind of things. But, I am seeing this is the norm for Christianity these days. I don't know what it makes me more sick or sad. I believe it's time for Christians to stop being luke warm. Stop making excuses to why the way they live their life is ok when it's not. God conquered  sin at the cross. It's time we stop playing in it, and purposefully doing it. That's why God gave us his word, accountability partners, etc. Sometimes it will make drastic changes to a person's life. But, it's time we make our choice and stop being on the fence. We are either all in for Christ, or all in for the world. You can't have both worlds. Christ didn't die so we play Christian and play in the world at the same time. We are either serving God or Satan. It's simple as that.


Monday, September 3, 2012


It's so weird that I am only on my third week at frontier. It feels like I have been here for months!!!! The classes are amazing, the teachers are really nice, and I have made some of the most awesome friends ever :). A lot are younger then I am. But, you'd never notice at all. It feels like we are all the same age....

College is the typical college. Classes, a ton of reading assignments, papers, tests, more homework then I could imagine. But, it keeps me busy. I've gotten used to life in the middle of no where. lol A trip to the store always feels like a fun road trip :). Who would have thought you can get excited about going to walmart?! My roommates are still amazing as ever! I love them even more each day, and they crack me up all the time. The hallway of our dorm is always filled with entertainment. you never know what someone is going to say or who is going to start singing I like to move it move it, and start dancing ( ok, I admit I do it all the time hahahaha.)

Weekends are filled with a little bit of homework, and hanging out the rest of the time. College isn't the most exciting thing all the time. But, there is never a day were I am not laughing, or having a great time. Unless i'm reading a really long chapter of a book I want to throw out the window haha just kidding. I  am having a great time in college, and so thankful for the amazing people I am becoming good friends with :). Especially my roommates. Without them I would completely, and utterly be lost. They are already family to me. Well, it's time for bed. on to another day of classes, a test, and homework....

ps. My mail box is still sad and empty. lol my address is on my last blog ;p

Monday, August 20, 2012

And So It Begins....

" Don't get into trouble now." My roommate Jaimie said to my rommate Molly and I as she left our dorm room.
" What are we going to do to get into trouble? Cow Tipping?" Molly replied
" Oh, perfect first date! Cow tipping! That's how to win a girl's heart right there. Cow tipping, then go on a walk."  I replied as we all crack up laughing...

Yes, this is how my first day at Frontier began. It was a long drive here, and a bit of a culture shock when I got here. The closest store is an hour away, and there is hardly any cell reception. The campus feels more like a summer camp then a college campus. But, I love every second of it!

Saturday began with crazy registration. ID pictures taken, books being picked up,and meeting new roommates for the first time with butterflies inside praying you get along and like your roommates. Thankfully both mine are beyond amazing, and we all get a long great!!!

Sunday was relaxing with orientation, and then a lunch at the park. Then hanging in the dorm with my roommates. Today was the start of classes. All we covered was introductions and what the classes are about. Basic first day stuff. But, I know i'm going to love this place, and the year will be great!!! Well, that's really all for now :) Got to go do my reading unless anyone out there wants to do it for me? Any Takers ;p....didn't think so.

~ Melinda

Ps. Write a lot of letters. My mail box is empty and sad :(. Hint Hint.My address is:
Melinda Kruger
Frontier School Of the Bible
po box 217
Lagrange, WY 82221

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


    My window's rolled down, the radio was turned up, and my car was on cruise. I was heading home from one of my best friend's wedding. It was a beautiful day, and I driving home. The sky was clear, and there wasn't many cars on the road. My mind went to the past events of the week, and couple of months. Life had been beyond crazy. With Good, and really bad things happening...I was ready for a new start.

    As I continued to drive home. I knew that my new start was going to start soon, and my world was going to be turned upside down. In a good way. Some things and people from the past were really now in the past. And some people were coming into my life that I never thought would. I already had no idea what my life was going to turn out in the next few months.

  I decided to apply to college, and see what happends after talking to my cousin and her husband. I received the call today that I was accepted. After telling my mom I laid down on the couch, and snuggled up to my favorite sleeping baby girl. I watched her sleep then began to think of the past couple of years. and the crazy places God had taken me.

 Cornerstone, The call center, Ellerslie. Each place I never know what to expect. This is no exception! Yet, I feel more ready for this. Of course I am going to miss my family, and my friends. But, I feel like this is a fresh start I've needed for awhile. And things are coming together so quickly. This is definitely going to be an interesting journey. That I am ready to take :).

  It will be interesting to see where I am in a year from now. I was thinking about that. Last August at the time I am going to be leaving for College. I was coming home from Ellerslie. Though, I think a part of me stayed there. I can't wait to see all what's going to happen in the next couple of months, and see where my life is at the end of the year :).

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Old Fashioned Sunday...

      A few weeks ago I sat in a pew listening to a sermon. It was just another Sunday at a church I had been attending. But, this Sunday as I looked around the church. I just didn't feel right. Then something happened. While the preacher was speaking the lights dimmed so much that the whole place was almost dark. Then someone dressed as dark vator came out and began to " fight" with light sabers or whatever they are called with the preacher.

   Some of the church seemed like this was the greatest thing as they laughed at the "battle". Me, I sat there completely appalled and stunned! This was supposed to be church! This was supposed to be a sermon! In that moment I realized what people meant when they talked about the church becoming more about entertainment then spreading the gospel, and hitting on the hard core issues. As I sat there my mind went to last summer, and the church of Ellerslie.

  How simple, and amazing the worship was as Ben played the guitar, and we sang hymns, and worship songs. Then watching the little kids go up to stage for " Kiddo Time", and was taught a bible story straight out from the bible. Then Eric would pray, then give his message. There was no entertainment. That was never his intent! So, as I sat there in church while the lights started to come back on I became annoyed.

I had been searching for a church for months! Most of the churches were like this! I don't know if they were this extreme in entertainment. But, I realized I could up, and walk out that second. No one would have noticed! That in itself bothered me. I had been going to this church since April, and no one noticed. As I prayed my frustrations to God. I knew he clearly was telling me to not go back. This wasn't the place for me. I was settling because I was sick of " looking" and I figured that this church was " Good Enough."

So, there I was again last Sunday trying out yet another church. I had wanted to try this church for awhile. But, I figured it was just to far away so what was the point. But, this past Sunday with my bible in hand, and my cousin by my side I drove the 40 minutes to church. I walked in and immediately had people coming up to me saying they had remembered me April when I came to see their Easter play. 

 As my cousin and I found a seat  a friend of a friend seen me. She came right up to me, and gave me a hug. Saying she was glad I came as I had mentioned it to her a few days before that I was thinking of going.  After a few minutes of talking to her the service began to start. The worship was amazing, and then came the sermon. The sermon was raw, straight to the point, and filled with so much scripture that I was afraid I'd miss a verse to write down as I took notes. Though there was no "entertainment" I was completely focused on the sermon. 

Then after the preacher  got done preaching something happened that I haven't seen in not only so long. But, frankly ever. There was a alter call. Though I've witnessed Alter calls I have never witnessed one like this. People started coming forth, and kneeling at their seats. People praying with each other, for each other. After praying myself. I stood there. This was what church was supposed to be. This was were I belonged. Then I laughed to myself as I remember my friend's words from April the night of his play. " This is going to be your church from now on. I don't care were your going to right now. Your going to start coming to my church from now on. It's been decided."
After the service my cousin, and I got into the car after talking to some people. I picked  up my phone and text my friend. Telling him we had gone to the church since he wasn't there that morning. After a reply of a bit of shock he asked if we were going to the night service. I figured why not. I haven't been to a night service since I was in high school. So, a few hours later my cousin and I got into the car to drive to the service again. Once again we walked in with people telling us it was good to see us again. 

The service was once again amazing, and after the service my cousin and I joined my friend, and some other people from the church for dinner at restaurant near by. Then went to one of the friend's houses to play a board game, and just hang out. On our drive home at midnight I asked my cousin if she wanted to go again. We both agreed that we felt like we belonged, and loved it. I went to bed that night and realized God had answered a prayer i'd prayed for so long. I had finally found a church that I not only felt like I belonged. But, had people that I was becoming friends with. Which, growing up even in church I didn't have either. I'm excited to see what God does with having me attend this church. It's was evident that this was were I belonged.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

My first answered prayer....

     I was 10-years old, and my mom was pregnant with her 5th child. After 3 boys ( the third was a stillborn :(  I really wanted a baby sister! I was the second oldest of the three, and outnumbered by two. Even though I didn't mind. Kevin- my twin was my shadow, and Devin was only 3-4 years old. So, of course he was like my " real baby doll" haha.I wanted a baby sister!

   I was laying in bed, and my mom was tucking me in. After telling me a story as she did every night I turned to her and said " Mom, I really want a baby sister." She smiled at me, and replied " Well, pray to God, and he will give you a baby sister." I didn't go to church often as a child then. But, my parents, and grandparents always told me about God, Salvation, and Jesus all the time. Though I had 0 experience with prayer except for accepting him into my heart around that time. I got on my knees every single night, and prayed for a baby sister. 

  Nine months later I was at my uncle's house playing with my cousin's when my uncle called me upstairs. He handed me a phone telling me it was my mom. The first things I heard was " You have a baby sister. What do you want to name her?" With all the excitement in the world that a 10 year old could muster I replied " Nicole Marie." I was beyond excited to have a baby sister, and instantly became protective. I remember crying while they gave her shots once she was born because I thought they were hurting my sister. When she was little between 3-5 ( not sure what age) she got really sick and had to stay at the hospital. I walked into the hospital, and she jumped into my arms.

  When she was a baby I begged my parents to put her crib in my room, and every night after she learned how to crawl out of it I'd feel her crawl up, and lay next to me. As she grew everyone said how alike we were, and oh how we laughed....

~ I loved playing with barbies - She loved pulling their heads off
~ I had a ton of baby dolls- she had one when she was 3. There is a picture to prove it lol
~ She loves animals- me not a big fan
~ She loved getting dirty when she was younger- I hated it!!! ( I would jump in the tub with my clothes on as a mom wasn't to thrilled about that.
~ I'm full out girly-girl. ( make up, dresses, hair products, the works) She is a tomboy, and loves sports ( which I think is awesome. The girl is amazing at basketball, and running. 

    So, what's caused this trip to memory lane suddenly? In 5 days my " baby" sister will be turning 16 years old, and finishing her sophomore year of high school. I am completely amazing, and so proud of the young woman she's becoming! People think because we are 10 years apart there is no way we could be close. What could we have in common?! Yet, my sister is one of my best friends. If I ever need a good laugh. I know to hang around with her. 

  You hear how sister's fight so badly. Especially when they are so different. But, the funny thing is. We've never really got into a fight. Yes, there are times we've annoyed each other. ( ok, it's mostly me annoying her lol) But, for the most part we have an amazing relationship full of laughs. Like today for instance I wanted a different shirt then the one I was wearing. So, I ask her if she has any in her bag ( we are staying in a hotel to watch our brother in  Special Olympics for his summer games.) 

  Well, I open the bag, and  pull out a ton of shirts. I start laughing, and go wait? Is this my bag? When did you start packing like me? Because today I packed like you!!! ( to know the humor in this you have to know how we pack. Nicole- an outfit or two, and some pjs.  Me: 3 shirts, 2 jeans, some pjs, make up, accessories, 3 books, my bible, my journal, a pack of gum, my cell phone, the chargers, two pairs of shoes,socks,and hair products.- yeah this is just for one night! ( You should have seen me try to pack for Ellerslie last summer. Packing for three months. My mom heard a lot of " mom I can't get it to fit!!!! I was trying to fit everything in 2 carry ons lol) 

  My sister just laughed since all I brought was an outfit for tomorrow, some pjs and makeup.( I was rushed lol) Our conversations always end up in laughter. The best one of tonight as we stood in a crowd of people Nicole: "Uh if only I was taller!" Me: " Wait. What? If only you were taller!!!" Nicole: Laughing " I can't see. I need to be taller." Me: Laughing " Want to trade?" ( she is 5'5 and I am 4'7.) 

   Through out the past 15 ( almost 16) years it drove me nuts when my mom would tell me to watch what I do, say, act, etc. Because I had a sister looking up to me. Honestly, at times it made me so mad. I didn't want that responsibility. I wanted to be a normal "teen\ Young Adult." Yet, as I have grown I realize what kind of responsibility I have. What I do, say,act, etc can in some way shape my sister. 

"  We have a little sister, and she has no breasts. What shall we do for our sister on the day when she is spoken for?" Song of Solomon 8:8"

  I sit back and think sometimes. What kind of choices would I  have made as a teen if I had an older sister to tell me about her experiences? To tell me why Purity was so important? To tell me what Christianity really was? To tell me not to waist a second in school on boys, and things that don't matter? To tell me to Guard my heart? Oh, how my past would be so much different!!! 

Yet, I realize in these moments that my mistakes of the past are the most important. I can't just hide them away and act like they never happened. But, I need to share with my sister the mistakes, pains, trials, etc. 
I also realize that my sister not only has learned not only about things i've shared with her. But, by watching me.

This also makes me realize that not just my sister is watching me. But, my family, friends, even strangers are watching me. May it be that everyday I show Christ to this world through his strength. May I also be an example to my sweet baby sister no matter how old she becomes. 

Always There

Two nights ago  the sweetest two month old baby girl stay the night. My big eyed ( still not sure if her eyes are going to turn Brown or Blue ;p) beautiful cousin Aubrey. As I laid her down I snugged up next to her until I thought she was fully asleep. Once I seen she was fully asleep I moved away from her just a little.
   Even in that small movement she freaked out. She started kicking her legs, her hands flying everywhere, and she started to cry. So I put my arm around her as I told her it was ok, I was right there. The moment she felt me near her again, she went back to sleep like she had never been startled. That's when God spoke to me as he does :).

  I was Aubrey in a sense. There had been a movement that startled me,and I was freaking out. But, he wasn't the one who had been the one to move. I was. It started out by little things. But, as time went on those little things became big distractions. Some even became Idols. The things that should have been the most important, and number One went on the back burner. Under the i'll do it later category.
  After repenting of these things, and having a long heart to heart with God. I just listened to the silence. The only sound was Aubrey's breathing, and the crickets outside my window. All I could do was smile.
 Then I looked up at the sky outside my window, and seen the cloud scattered across the sky. This may not seem like a big deal. But, to me it was like finding a love note on your pillow when you wake up in the morning. You see as a child when I seen clouds like that to me they were  God's footprints. Each time I seen " God's footprints." I was reminded that he was right there watching over me. Protecting me, and keeping me safe.

 As I started to drift off to sleep I could feel his arms wrapped around me, and his whisper telling me " it's ok, i'm right here." I looked over at Aubrey one last time, and seen the peace,joy, and contentment on that sweet face. I fell asleep with a smile on my face feeling peace,joy,and contentment knowing that both Aubrey and I where indeed safe, and that everything was ok. Because he was right there.
~ Melinda