Thursday, May 31, 2012

My first answered prayer....

     I was 10-years old, and my mom was pregnant with her 5th child. After 3 boys ( the third was a stillborn :(  I really wanted a baby sister! I was the second oldest of the three, and outnumbered by two. Even though I didn't mind. Kevin- my twin was my shadow, and Devin was only 3-4 years old. So, of course he was like my " real baby doll" haha.I wanted a baby sister!

   I was laying in bed, and my mom was tucking me in. After telling me a story as she did every night I turned to her and said " Mom, I really want a baby sister." She smiled at me, and replied " Well, pray to God, and he will give you a baby sister." I didn't go to church often as a child then. But, my parents, and grandparents always told me about God, Salvation, and Jesus all the time. Though I had 0 experience with prayer except for accepting him into my heart around that time. I got on my knees every single night, and prayed for a baby sister. 

  Nine months later I was at my uncle's house playing with my cousin's when my uncle called me upstairs. He handed me a phone telling me it was my mom. The first things I heard was " You have a baby sister. What do you want to name her?" With all the excitement in the world that a 10 year old could muster I replied " Nicole Marie." I was beyond excited to have a baby sister, and instantly became protective. I remember crying while they gave her shots once she was born because I thought they were hurting my sister. When she was little between 3-5 ( not sure what age) she got really sick and had to stay at the hospital. I walked into the hospital, and she jumped into my arms.

  When she was a baby I begged my parents to put her crib in my room, and every night after she learned how to crawl out of it I'd feel her crawl up, and lay next to me. As she grew everyone said how alike we were, and oh how we laughed....

~ I loved playing with barbies - She loved pulling their heads off
~ I had a ton of baby dolls- she had one when she was 3. There is a picture to prove it lol
~ She loves animals- me not a big fan
~ She loved getting dirty when she was younger- I hated it!!! ( I would jump in the tub with my clothes on as a mom wasn't to thrilled about that.
~ I'm full out girly-girl. ( make up, dresses, hair products, the works) She is a tomboy, and loves sports ( which I think is awesome. The girl is amazing at basketball, and running. 

    So, what's caused this trip to memory lane suddenly? In 5 days my " baby" sister will be turning 16 years old, and finishing her sophomore year of high school. I am completely amazing, and so proud of the young woman she's becoming! People think because we are 10 years apart there is no way we could be close. What could we have in common?! Yet, my sister is one of my best friends. If I ever need a good laugh. I know to hang around with her. 

  You hear how sister's fight so badly. Especially when they are so different. But, the funny thing is. We've never really got into a fight. Yes, there are times we've annoyed each other. ( ok, it's mostly me annoying her lol) But, for the most part we have an amazing relationship full of laughs. Like today for instance I wanted a different shirt then the one I was wearing. So, I ask her if she has any in her bag ( we are staying in a hotel to watch our brother in  Special Olympics for his summer games.) 

  Well, I open the bag, and  pull out a ton of shirts. I start laughing, and go wait? Is this my bag? When did you start packing like me? Because today I packed like you!!! ( to know the humor in this you have to know how we pack. Nicole- an outfit or two, and some pjs.  Me: 3 shirts, 2 jeans, some pjs, make up, accessories, 3 books, my bible, my journal, a pack of gum, my cell phone, the chargers, two pairs of shoes,socks,and hair products.- yeah this is just for one night! ( You should have seen me try to pack for Ellerslie last summer. Packing for three months. My mom heard a lot of " mom I can't get it to fit!!!! I was trying to fit everything in 2 carry ons lol) 

  My sister just laughed since all I brought was an outfit for tomorrow, some pjs and makeup.( I was rushed lol) Our conversations always end up in laughter. The best one of tonight as we stood in a crowd of people Nicole: "Uh if only I was taller!" Me: " Wait. What? If only you were taller!!!" Nicole: Laughing " I can't see. I need to be taller." Me: Laughing " Want to trade?" ( she is 5'5 and I am 4'7.) 

   Through out the past 15 ( almost 16) years it drove me nuts when my mom would tell me to watch what I do, say, act, etc. Because I had a sister looking up to me. Honestly, at times it made me so mad. I didn't want that responsibility. I wanted to be a normal "teen\ Young Adult." Yet, as I have grown I realize what kind of responsibility I have. What I do, say,act, etc can in some way shape my sister. 

"  We have a little sister, and she has no breasts. What shall we do for our sister on the day when she is spoken for?" Song of Solomon 8:8"

  I sit back and think sometimes. What kind of choices would I  have made as a teen if I had an older sister to tell me about her experiences? To tell me why Purity was so important? To tell me what Christianity really was? To tell me not to waist a second in school on boys, and things that don't matter? To tell me to Guard my heart? Oh, how my past would be so much different!!! 

Yet, I realize in these moments that my mistakes of the past are the most important. I can't just hide them away and act like they never happened. But, I need to share with my sister the mistakes, pains, trials, etc. 
I also realize that my sister not only has learned not only about things i've shared with her. But, by watching me.

This also makes me realize that not just my sister is watching me. But, my family, friends, even strangers are watching me. May it be that everyday I show Christ to this world through his strength. May I also be an example to my sweet baby sister no matter how old she becomes. 

Always There

Two nights ago  the sweetest two month old baby girl stay the night. My big eyed ( still not sure if her eyes are going to turn Brown or Blue ;p) beautiful cousin Aubrey. As I laid her down I snugged up next to her until I thought she was fully asleep. Once I seen she was fully asleep I moved away from her just a little.
   Even in that small movement she freaked out. She started kicking her legs, her hands flying everywhere, and she started to cry. So I put my arm around her as I told her it was ok, I was right there. The moment she felt me near her again, she went back to sleep like she had never been startled. That's when God spoke to me as he does :).

  I was Aubrey in a sense. There had been a movement that startled me,and I was freaking out. But, he wasn't the one who had been the one to move. I was. It started out by little things. But, as time went on those little things became big distractions. Some even became Idols. The things that should have been the most important, and number One went on the back burner. Under the i'll do it later category.
  After repenting of these things, and having a long heart to heart with God. I just listened to the silence. The only sound was Aubrey's breathing, and the crickets outside my window. All I could do was smile.
 Then I looked up at the sky outside my window, and seen the cloud scattered across the sky. This may not seem like a big deal. But, to me it was like finding a love note on your pillow when you wake up in the morning. You see as a child when I seen clouds like that to me they were  God's footprints. Each time I seen " God's footprints." I was reminded that he was right there watching over me. Protecting me, and keeping me safe.

 As I started to drift off to sleep I could feel his arms wrapped around me, and his whisper telling me " it's ok, i'm right here." I looked over at Aubrey one last time, and seen the peace,joy, and contentment on that sweet face. I fell asleep with a smile on my face feeling peace,joy,and contentment knowing that both Aubrey and I where indeed safe, and that everything was ok. Because he was right there.
~ Melinda