Sunday, December 9, 2012

Almost the end.....

    So, i'm looking around my dorm room. Most of my stuff is packed into the trunk of my car. But, there is still a lot I still have to pack. Mostly little things. As I write this I look at my desk, and see the things that mean a lot to me for a specific reason. My picture of all the girls  during summer semester  at Ellerslie, A group photo of our Sister Section, my piglet given to me a few years ago from my best friend Beccie, the star fish from my love, a photo of my Grandpa Vansickle and I when I was 5 years old, the teddy bear pillow given to me from my beautiful other hip Amanda, and a family picture. 

  As I look at these, and get ready to end my semester at Frontier I realize I am once again ending a chapter of my life, and starting a new one. If there is one thing in life I have learned it's to not make any plans. God always seems to change mine. I wasn't sure how long God called me to come to Frontier when I applied last summer. But, I knew I was supposed to come here in the fall. Last year was the hardest I've had. Bad thing after bad thing seemed to happen, and I needed out. The " Small town" of Saint Johns was the last place I wanted to be. I needed to get away, and re evaluate my life. Get to a place where I could breath again. I needed to be as far away from the town I grew up in. Away from the people, and the drama. I needed an escape. As far as I was concerned La Grange Wyoming was just that. Everyone seemed to come to bible college to learn more about the bible, and God. In all honesty I came to get away from life at home. 

 Though I did want to get a good background on biblical teaching for counseling that wasn't my main reason for going to college. I just needed to get away. Though it was only a semester God used it in an amazing way. I was able to work with Youth Group, and Awana's, I was given such amazing roommates that I could totally be myself with, I made great friends, and went to a great church. I was given the chance to really experience college. Though I went to Cornerstone I didn't get that experience since I didn't have a roommate. 

  There are so many things I learned here about life. Especially my own. I learned to be real. Not pretend. My roommate told me the other night that the minute she meet me she seen how real I was, and seen how confident I was with myself. I knew who I was, and I wasn't going to change that.  My roommates, and friends became a safe haven for me. It was the first time I let myself be completely real with anyone, and not have to sit into some cookie cutter Christianity where everything is nice and neat. Yes, I was blessed to grow up in a christian home. But, my life was anything but a cookie cutter Christianity that was nice and neat. It's been anything but that. I've had a great life. But, a lot of trials, mistakes, my life sometimes felt like a crazy ride, But, I always keep it to myself. But, through listening to Joe at Youth Group I seen how being real is what people need, and want.

  I  also seen how important friendship is. Real friendships that is. I seen how some frienships can do nothing but tear you down. When I was talking to my roommate about this one night about a friendship I have been praying about because it wasn't doing anything but tearing me down, and just wasn't good. She opened the bible to a verse in Romans. I seen how amazing it is to be able to walk into my room, and tell my roommate I needed to pray or just to talk. It's amazing to have friends I can be real with. I am going to miss then dearly. But, as Molly told me the other day on our " Roommate date" that this was just the beginning not the end. I'm excited to see where God is going to take these new found friendships- that feel like I have had for years. As well as each of our lives.

 Working with the Youth Group this semester has been amazing. It' just given me the passion, and fire to work with youth even more! I love all the teens at the Youth Group! I am so excited to see where God will lead their lives! I am so thankful I will be able to keep in contact with them, and continue to enjoy every time I talk to them even more. 

I love everything that happened this semester, and all I learned in and outside of the classroom. I have so many amazing memories here. But, I am also so excited to see my family, and start the next chapter of my life. I know God is going to do amazing things as always :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

almost the end......

Crazy to think the last time I wrote about my time here at Frontier I was just in my third week. Now, I am into my last full week. The time here has gone by so fast! Yet, it's been amazing!!! Last weekend I drove down to Windsor Colorado to the Ellerslie Campus. Also known as my " Heart Home." I still have never found a place that feels like home as Ellerlie does! Once on the the campus I walked down to my favorite spot on campus. A bench out looking the lake. You can see the mountains in the back ground, and in the middle is a cross. I always loved looking out at all the beauty, and thinking.

That day I was there for Eric, and Leslie's adoption " baby shower". This day came to my mind a few moments ago as I was looking through some books of mine. I stumbled upon my first copy of When God Writes Your Love Story as well as my 10th anniversary copy that is Autographed by both Eric, and Leslie. I smile as I think how just a few years ago I started reading their books. Never did I think i'd meet them when I first read their books. But, God didn't only give me the privilege of meeting them but to be a part of their lives in a small way. I loved going to the set a part girl conferences then when God told me to quit my job to attend Ellerslie last summer  people thought I was crazy! But, God did amazing things that summer. I was even re-baptized because when I was first baptized I didn't fully understand the meaning of it at the time. It was just the thing you did. There I learned to pray- really pray. I heard truth like I had never heard it before.

After the shower, and visiting with some friends who still live on campus, and some of the staff I went to find the Ludy's to say goodbye. I smiled as Eric looked at me and said " Hey, look who it is." as he gave me a hug. As I spoke to the Ludy's about what was going on in my life before I left I wrote home with a content smile on my face.

My life has been so crazy lately. Once again God is calling me to go back home instead of continue with going to Frontier. People think I am crazy. But, I feel content, and satisfied. God allowed me to experience college. Really experience it. Having roommates, section devo's with amazing woman, prayer group once a week. It's bitter sweet. I am going to miss hanging out with my roommates, having road trips to walmart (when it's an hour away, and it takes part of the day. Yes, going to wal mart is a road trip!) , helping with youth group, helping with Awanas, being able to drive down to Colorado, and see my Ellerslie family. But, I know that God is leading me home. There is so much I want to do there! Every day God has given me the burden and desire to work with the teens at our local public school. I don't know what God is going to do next. I learned not to make plans. God always seems to have different ones, and is always seems to be shaking things up. Taking me down a path I didn't expect. But, I am excited for what's to come. Whatever that will be! The next few days will be studying for upcoming tests, finals, memorizing verses, spending time with my friends, and getting as much as I can out of these last few days!