Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Old Fashioned Sunday...

      A few weeks ago I sat in a pew listening to a sermon. It was just another Sunday at a church I had been attending. But, this Sunday as I looked around the church. I just didn't feel right. Then something happened. While the preacher was speaking the lights dimmed so much that the whole place was almost dark. Then someone dressed as dark vator came out and began to " fight" with light sabers or whatever they are called with the preacher.

   Some of the church seemed like this was the greatest thing as they laughed at the "battle". Me, I sat there completely appalled and stunned! This was supposed to be church! This was supposed to be a sermon! In that moment I realized what people meant when they talked about the church becoming more about entertainment then spreading the gospel, and hitting on the hard core issues. As I sat there my mind went to last summer, and the church of Ellerslie.

  How simple, and amazing the worship was as Ben played the guitar, and we sang hymns, and worship songs. Then watching the little kids go up to stage for " Kiddo Time", and was taught a bible story straight out from the bible. Then Eric would pray, then give his message. There was no entertainment. That was never his intent! So, as I sat there in church while the lights started to come back on I became annoyed.

I had been searching for a church for months! Most of the churches were like this! I don't know if they were this extreme in entertainment. But, I realized I could up, and walk out that second. No one would have noticed! That in itself bothered me. I had been going to this church since April, and no one noticed. As I prayed my frustrations to God. I knew he clearly was telling me to not go back. This wasn't the place for me. I was settling because I was sick of " looking" and I figured that this church was " Good Enough."

So, there I was again last Sunday trying out yet another church. I had wanted to try this church for awhile. But, I figured it was just to far away so what was the point. But, this past Sunday with my bible in hand, and my cousin by my side I drove the 40 minutes to church. I walked in and immediately had people coming up to me saying they had remembered me April when I came to see their Easter play. 

 As my cousin and I found a seat  a friend of a friend seen me. She came right up to me, and gave me a hug. Saying she was glad I came as I had mentioned it to her a few days before that I was thinking of going.  After a few minutes of talking to her the service began to start. The worship was amazing, and then came the sermon. The sermon was raw, straight to the point, and filled with so much scripture that I was afraid I'd miss a verse to write down as I took notes. Though there was no "entertainment" I was completely focused on the sermon. 

Then after the preacher  got done preaching something happened that I haven't seen in not only so long. But, frankly ever. There was a alter call. Though I've witnessed Alter calls I have never witnessed one like this. People started coming forth, and kneeling at their seats. People praying with each other, for each other. After praying myself. I stood there. This was what church was supposed to be. This was were I belonged. Then I laughed to myself as I remember my friend's words from April the night of his play. " This is going to be your church from now on. I don't care were your going to right now. Your going to start coming to my church from now on. It's been decided."
After the service my cousin, and I got into the car after talking to some people. I picked  up my phone and text my friend. Telling him we had gone to the church since he wasn't there that morning. After a reply of a bit of shock he asked if we were going to the night service. I figured why not. I haven't been to a night service since I was in high school. So, a few hours later my cousin and I got into the car to drive to the service again. Once again we walked in with people telling us it was good to see us again. 

The service was once again amazing, and after the service my cousin and I joined my friend, and some other people from the church for dinner at restaurant near by. Then went to one of the friend's houses to play a board game, and just hang out. On our drive home at midnight I asked my cousin if she wanted to go again. We both agreed that we felt like we belonged, and loved it. I went to bed that night and realized God had answered a prayer i'd prayed for so long. I had finally found a church that I not only felt like I belonged. But, had people that I was becoming friends with. Which, growing up even in church I didn't have either. I'm excited to see what God does with having me attend this church. It's was evident that this was were I belonged.

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